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GCH. Lucidity's League of Legends

Riker (Canadian Grand Champion Lucidity's League of Legends) was whelped on 19th May 2018, and is the litter brother of Poesy. He's sired by Multi BISS CKCSC-USA Ch & AKC Ch Jadestone Legend Has It, JW, bred and owned by Meryl Peek of Jadestone Cavaliers in California. Riker is is linebred to Ch. Bonitos Companeros Unbelievable, who is by UK Ch. Maibee Make Believe out of Multi Ch. Aranel Energie, one of the top producing sires in Europe and is heart clear at 9 years of age. Riker's mom, Liesl, was MRI scanned at 4 years 3 months old and is clear of SM and heart clear at 6 years of age. Riker's grandfather, Ch. Maibee Hardy was heart clear till 8 and MRI clear at almost 4 years of age.

Riker was named after Commander William Riker - Star Trek fans will recognize the name from Star Trek: The Next Generation. At his first show weekend ever, he went Best Baby in Show at the Cavalier Club of BC Specialty under judge Mark Smith of the Aranel Cavaliers in the UK!

He finished his Canadian championship at 11 months old in just 2 weekends, going Winner's Dog at every show he was entered in and gained all his points undefeated in the classes, beating adult bitches for BOWs along the way. Riker's career was sadly on hiatus for 1.5 years due to the pandemic, and as a result was sitting at 1 point away from his grand championship for a full 17 months. At his first shows back after COVID, he earned his final point for his grand championship, finally! We're so proud of this little, happy guy.

Health Tests
  • OFA Heart Clear (June 2023) - cardiologist

  • OFA Eye Clear (October 2021) - ophthalmologist

  • Patella Clear

  • Hereditary (DNA) clear of CC/DE & EF


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Riker winning Best Bred By & Owner Handled in Breed, Sept. 2019. He went on to win Best Bred By & Owner Handled in Group!

Riker going Winner's Dog and Best of Winners under Beth Warman (NZ) at 9 months old

Riker and his litter sister, Poesy in the ring at the CKCSC of BC Specialty on 15th September 2018 under judge Mark Smith (Aranel) from the UK.

Located in Vancouver, BC (2.5 hours from Seattle, WA)

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